Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm Goin Mid-evil On Your Punk Ass!

You can't really call it a whim, or a fancy or whatever, because it was calculated. I bought a typewriter, which has now prominently become the centerpiece of my little room. I don't know if and when I will be coming back to my beloved ROTD, but I will make a stop when I feel something needs to be shared. Until then, I am going to truly and selfishly write for one and only one purpose. To contribute to the art of senselessness.

Not every printed word must be clad in a book to be shared with the world and not every story written needs to be told. Sometimes, as a musician would practice his instrument in a lonely room for hours on end, so must a writer write.

I am not yet an artist, not even a painter, but know this, I am born.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Night One

For some time, my day to day life has lacked an immediate purpose. That is why I've decided to take on something concrete tonight. Its simple and yet I hope that I'm not making a stupid, stupid decision. But right now I need any decision and I am content with this one.

It's a simple vow of silence. I know the idea sounds ridiculously stupid and immature, but to be honest, I really don't care about being stupid and immature, not when I know that I'm still a kid.

Taking a vow of complete silence is a bit radical for anyone, so I am going to allow myself one single conversation a day and only if it is completely and utterly necessary. I'm also going to log my days on this blog, not everyday but when I feel the need. Maybe if I lose less words while speaking, I will have more words for here.

So this is night one, and I already feel breathless. Sounds like the next few days are gonna be fun...